
多少錢一張?最好有一個具體的位址,謝謝上海公共交通卡目前在全市範圍內已開設1900餘處售卡代理點,市內各上海浦東發展銀行、中國交通銀行、華夏銀行(部分)、軌道交通沿線車站、良友便利店、可的便利店、等已全部開設售卡及充資代理點.軌道交通線沿線網站(全部) 浦東發展銀行,交通銀行,建設銀行
购买普通卡需支付押金30元/张。纪念卡按公司规定收费,底卡不退。底卡质保期为贰年。在大商场都会有充值点的,那就可以买到,15块一张。You can buy it at any of the under railway station, normal price is rmb 30 for one card but you have to input money in it. There are also some shops selling traffic card at each of the nstation. You can deposit money into the traffic card at some KEDI shops.gong gong chang suo