
Mr.Ye Qiu Yu, well known writer and artist of China, and also professur of several university. He was rewarded the name of "High level outstanding contribution expert".

To discuss his job in the China cultural society is not an easy job. This famous Chinese artist & writer is widely known for his writings: "cruel journey of culture" and "journal of the live in mountains".

He has receive many awards, for example, in 1983, He published "drama theory history notes", this book was the first book to talk to about the developement of cultures and thoughts about drama from all over the world. One year after publication, he was awarded the first "drama theory work award". He so received many awards with his work in commenting and analyzing.

http://www.hnetv.com/yqy/grjj.htm (此文的资料由这个网站中的资料翻译出来)





Yu Qiuyu, Zhejiang Yu people Yao, continent famous aesthstic house and writer, and has obtained " national-level outstanding contributions expert "’s title , has served as the professors of many universities. In fact, should talk about Yu Qiuyu’s position in the Chinese cultural circles, is really that it’s not at all that easy.This person and " whether mountain occupy note " well-known China aesthstic house with " culture painful travel ", have reviewer reputation the handwritten prose of left, fall its shallow , right hand write theory of art , does not lose it involved and difficult and bright either.
Take its " culture painful travel " as an example, an " sand original latent spring " in the middle , only 2,500 words, write the scene and lyrical prose completely, but write poetically and picturesquly. Gentle main content this author desert on the ground , climb on the people sand mountain alone in Huang county earnestly, then go down the hill and appreciate course and finding of a gulf clear spring to feel again. Wen Zhong, Yu Qiuyu is the beauty of describing the sand mountain so: "ight with shadow flow , rush down , cut apart with most smooth frank lines, golden yellow and black pigment reddish brown and mottledly at all pure, have sifted like the enormous sieve with one side. The wind day and night, the ridge , mould surging on the hillside , that is a graceful unexpected turn of flat to be right of the fund deeply, do not include a silk ripples line ……" , in the works , " light " , " shadow " , , " lines " some theory without life words no longer in aesthstic house and writer, but can respond to author’s wording in the heart of hearts .
As for Yu Qiuyu’s work of theory of art, also paid attention to and worshipped by the academia. For example he published " the drama theory history draft " in 1983 ,Book this whether China’s Mainland first part explain countries all over the world arrive modern cultural development with drama history treatise of thought make time immemorial completely, next year after publishing, obtain the first drama theory work award of the whole country of Beijing , obtain Beijing Ministry of Culture national outstanding teaching material first prize after the ten year, and another issue China’s Mainland first parts of drama aesthstic work award on 1985, obtain Beijing Ministry of Culture national outstanding teaching material first prize after the ten year, and another issue China’s Mainland first parts of drama aesthstic work on 1985 – -" aesthetic psychology of drama ", also win the philosophy social science work award of Shanghai next year. Its academy can see just a few .
